How to Change Your Name in Messenger Without Using Facebook

How to change your name in messenger without using facebook

Messenger is a popular instant messaging platform that allows users to communicate with friends and family. It is a part of the Facebook family and is linked to your Facebook account. This means that your name in Messenger is the same as the name you have on your Facebook account. However, there are times when you may want to change your name in Messenger, but don’t want to change it on Facebook. This could be because you don’t want to affect your Facebook account or you don’t have access to your Facebook account. Whatever the reason may be, it’s important to know that changing your name in Messenger without using Facebook is possible.


Understanding Facebook and Messenger Link

Facebook and Messenger are linked, which means that your Messenger account is linked to your Facebook account. When you sign up for Messenger, it automatically creates a Facebook account for you, if you don’t already have one. This means that your name, profile picture, and other information on Facebook will be displayed on Messenger as well.

It’s important to understand this link between Facebook and Messenger because it affects how you change your name in Messenger. If you change your name on Facebook, your name will change on Messenger as well. Therefore, if you don’t want to change your name on Facebook, you’ll need to unlink Facebook and Messenger before you can change your name in Messenger.


To check if your Facebook and Messenger accounts are linked, you can go to your Messenger account settings and look for the “Facebook” section. If your Facebook and Messenger accounts are linked, you’ll see your Facebook name and profile picture displayed on the “Facebook” section.

Unlinking Facebook and Messenger

Unlinking Facebook and Messenger is a simple process that can be done in a few steps. Before you change your name in Messenger, you’ll need to unlink your Facebook and Messenger accounts. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Messenger app and tap on your profile picture.
  2. Tap on “People.”
  3. Tap on “Facebook.”
  4. Tap on “Unlink.”
  5. Confirm the action by tapping on “Unlink.”

Unlinking your Facebook and Messenger accounts is necessary to change your name in Messenger because, as mentioned earlier, your name in Messenger is linked to your Facebook account. By unlinking your accounts, you can change your name in Messenger without affecting your Facebook account.

It’s important to note that unlink your Facebook and Messenger accounts will also unlink your Facebook account from all other apps that use Facebook login. This means that you won’t be able to use Facebook login to log in to these apps, and you’ll have to log in using a different method.

Changing Your Name in Messenger

Once you’ve unlinked your Facebook and Messenger accounts, you can now change your name in Messenger. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Messenger app and tap on your profile picture.
  2. Tap on “Name.”
  3. Enter your new name in the “Name” field.
  4. Tap on “Done.”

It’s important to note that your new name must meet certain requirements, such as not containing inappropriate or offensive language. Your new name should also be unique and not already in use by another Messenger user.

To verify that your name has been successfully changed in Messenger, you can go to your profile and see if your new name is displayed. You can also check if your new name is displayed in your conversations and on your friend’s lists.

Relinking Facebook and Messenger

Relinking Facebook and Messenger may be necessary if you want to use Facebook login to log in to other apps or if you want to keep your Messenger and Facebook accounts linked. To relink your accounts, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Messenger app and tap on your profile picture.
  2. Tap on “People.”
  3. Tap on “Facebook.”
  4. Tap on “Link.”
  5. Log in to your Facebook account, if prompted.
  6. Confirm the action by tapping on “Link.”

Relinking your Facebook and Messenger accounts will link your Facebook account to all other apps that use Facebook login, so you can use Facebook login to log in to these apps. It will also link your Messenger account to your Facebook account, so your name, profile picture, and other information on Facebook will be displayed on Messenger as well.

It’s important to note that relinking your Facebook and Messenger accounts will overwrite any changes you’ve made to your name in Messenger, so be sure to choose a name that you want to use on both platforms.

How to Give Nicknames to Mates on Messenger

If you wish to give your mates nicknames on the Messaging service, you can select any handle and assign it to friends online from your conversation ranking. Moreover, if you use Android or iOS, you can install the operating system on both gadgets.

Assign Nicknames to friends On iOS devices

The ranking of nicknames you’ve assigned to your friend is present on Messenger.

Follow these steps to realize how to accomplish this on your iOS device.

  1. On your apple phone, pick whom you would like to set the nickname for and click on their title to access their account in the following tab.
  2. Next, on that friend’s page, you’ll see a ‘Nicknames>’ choice. This feature displays the nickname you possess.
  3. When you click on that choice, a popup window asks you to insert the nickname you want to assign to that buddy.
  4. To save the changes, input the nickname you would like to give the friend and click the Save toggle.
  5. This step is all it takes to change your friends nicknames straight from your iPad or iPhone.

In conclusion, changing your name in Messenger without using Facebook is a simple process that can be done in a few steps. You need to understand the link between Facebook and Messenger, unlink your accounts, change your name in Messenger, and then relink your accounts if necessary.

By following these steps, you can change your name in Messenger without affecting your Facebook account, and you can keep your Facebook and Messenger accounts linked or unlinked, depending on your preferences.

Remember, it’s important to choose a name that meets the requirements, such as not containing inappropriate or offensive language, and to verify that your name has been successfully changed in Messenger.

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