How to Make a Discord Group Chat

How to make a discord group chat

Discord has quickly become one of the most popular communication tools for gamers and other online communities. With its robust set of features, including text and voice chat, screen sharing, and file sharing, Discord makes it easy for groups of people to stay connected and collaborate on projects. One of the most useful features of Discord is the ability to create group chats, which allow multiple members to participate in a conversation at the same time. In this post, we’ll explore how to create a group chat on Discord, as well as some tips for managing and customizing it to fit your needs.


There are all kinds of social media platforms on the internet. Some are those hyper social, extra-exposing platforms that allow users to do everything in one place. Facebook and Instagram fall into this category. Others are more focused on a handful of basic features, made for users who prefer greater privacy and fewer features. Snapchat and WhatsApp are two of the best examples in this category.

Then come the platforms that lie somewhere between the two extremes, providing a balanced experience to their users. These platforms generally allow users to socialize with a plethora of users, though not with as much freedom as they would get on Facebook or other similar platforms. Telegram is a good example.


But in this blog post, we will talk about another amazing platform that falls in the third category: Discord is one of the coolest platforms ever, and we mean it. Although many people consider it a platform for gaming communities, it is much more than gaming communities. Discord is fun as long as you have friends to talk with on any topic.

Setting up a group chat on Discord

Creating a new group chat on Discord is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Discord app and sign in to your account.
  2. In the bottom left corner of the screen, click the plus sign to create a new server.
  3. Choose the “Create a Server” option and enter a name for your group chat.
  4. Choose a region for the server and click “Create.”
  5. Once the server is created, you’ll be taken to the server settings screen. Here, you can invite members to your group chat by clicking the “Invite” button and sharing the link with them.

It’s important to choose a name for your group chat that is easily identifiable and memorable for members. It’s also a good idea to organize your group chat in a way that makes it easy for members to find the information they need. You can use channels and categories to keep different types of conversations separate and make it easier for members to find the information they need.

Managing members in a group chat on Discord

Once your group chat is set up, you’ll need to manage the members who have been added to it. Here’s how to add and remove members from a group chat:

  1. In the server settings screen, click the “Members” tab.
  2. To add a new member, click the “Invite” button and share the link with them.
  3. To remove a member, hover over their name and click the “X” button.

As the owner of the group chat, you also have the ability to assign different levels of permission to members. For example, you can make someone an admin, which gives them more control over the group chat, or you can make them a regular member with fewer permissions. To assign a role to a member, click the “Roles” tab in the server settings screen, and then click the plus sign to create a new role.

Customizing a group chat on Discord

Once your group chat is set up and running smoothly, you may want to customize it to better suit the needs of your members. Here are a few ways to customize a group chat on Discord:

  1. Change the group chat’s name and icon: To change the name of your group chat, simply click the “Edit” button in the server settings screen and enter a new name. To change the icon, click the “Edit” button and then click the “Change Icon” button.
  2. Add and remove roles for members: Roles allow you to assign different levels of permission to members and make it easy to manage who can access certain parts of your group chat. To add a new role, click the “Roles” tab in the server settings screen and then click the plus sign to create a new role. To remove a role, hover over the role and click the “X” button.
  3. Use Discord’s built-in tools for organizing and managing a group chat: Discord has a variety of built-in tools that can help you keep your group chat organized and easy to navigate. Channels and categories are two such tools that can be incredibly useful. Channels allow you to create specific areas within your group chat for different types of conversations, such as voice chat, text chat, or specific games or projects. You can also create categories to group channels together, making it easier for members to find the channels they’re looking for. To create a new channel or category, click the “Create” button in the server settings screen.

How to delete a group on Discord

To delete a Discord group, you first need to remove all the members from the group and leave the group at last. Since you already know how to remove members from a group, follow these steps to leave a group.

Step 1: Open Discord and swipe right from the home screen to find the list of servers and chats.

Step 2: Tap on the DM icon to see the list of chats and group chats.

Step 3: Tap and hold the group name to see a list of options.

Step 4: Tap on Leave Group, and then tap Yes to confirm.

In summary, Creating a group chat on Discord is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. Once your group chat is set up, you can use it to stay connected with your friends, teammates, or community members. To make the most of your group chat, be sure to name it, organize it, and manage members effectively. Customizing your group chat with different roles, channels and categories will help you to better manage it and make it more functional. With the right tools and a little bit of effort, you can create a group chat on Discord that serves all of your needs. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out for help, or share your own experiences with group chats on Discord.

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